Alpha Epsilon Pi | Mu Chapter
At the University of Virginia
My name is William Silver, and I have the honor of serving as Brother Master of the Mu Chapter of Alpha
Epsilon Pi here at UVA. As we begin this semester, we are proud to welcome 17 new members into the Xi Pledge
Class following a successful Rush process.
Over the past year, our brothers have exemplified AEPi’s core values through leadership, philanthropy, and a
deep commitment to the greater UVA community. Many of our brothers are actively involved at the Brody Jewish
Center, strengthening our ties to the Jewish community, and we remain dedicated to our Spring philanthropic
initiative, raising funds for the UVA Heart Family Fund.
As I step into my term, I look forward to serving our brotherhood, strengthening our traditions, and
building upon the legacy of those who came before us. I’m excited for what’s ahead and grateful to be part
of such a meaningful and impactful fraternity.
William Silver
Brother Master, Alpha Epsilon Pi Mu Chapter