Alpha Epsilon Pi | Mu Chapter

At the University of Virginia

Past Masters

Year Master
2025 William Silver
2024 Ethan Schwartz
2023 Andrew Gaines
2022 Andrew Ringold
2021 Jack Fechter
2020 Jackson Wray
2019 Max Bacall
2018 Daniel Crystal
2017 Noah Salzberg
2016 Zachary Massey
2015 Joe DuBois
2014-2015 Jeff Kerbel
2013-2014 Saul Brodsky
2012-2013 Josh Cohen
Spring 2012 Joseph Dardick
2007-2008 Brandon Rothenberg
2006-2007 Josh Levy
2005-2006 Courtney Moore
2004-2005 Michael Goldsmith
2003-2004 Nick Shapiro
2002-2003 DJ Howard
2001-2002 Josh Peters
2000-2001 Geoffrey Drake
Spring 2000 Stephen Wright
1999 Zachary Myles
1998 Daniel Milner
1997 Jon Kellner
1996 David Caine
1995 Steve Schrage
1994 Matt Branson
1993 Tony Natale
1992 Dan Grey
1991 Scott Raynes
1990 Brian Stieffel
1989 Lawrence Lambert
Fall 1988 Robert Honigman
Spring 1988 Emil Engels
1987 Andrew Megibow
1986 Matthew Ringel
1985 Scott Daitzman
1984 David Louder
Fall 1983 Roget Stong
Spring 1983 Eric Schoenburg
Fall 1982 Eric Diamond
Spring 1982 Roger Stong
1981 Marcus Manos
1980 Sam Roth
1979 Bryan Derman
1978 David Roseman
1977 Ben Miller
1976 Steve Epps
1975 Richard Margolis
1974 Sam Bulbin
1958-1959 Stu Buchbinder
1957-1958 Jay Levine
1943 Joshua Robinson
1942 David Stuart
1941 Henry Greenwald
1940 Herbert Chemis

Mu Chapter History

The Mu Chapter, Alpha Epsilon Pi's twelfth charter grant, was founded at one of America's most famous institutions, the University of Virginia, on November 29, 1924. It came about through an Alpha initiate, Herman Rose, who decided to pursue his education in medicine at UVA. Upon his arrival there, he searched for an opportunity to establish an Alpha Epsilon Pi Chapter. Virginia, noted for its beautiful campus (known as the "grounds" at Mr. Jefferson's University) and high academic standing, was a fine fraternity school. Its first fraternity, Delta Kappa Epsilon, had been established there in 1852. Among UVA fraternities, there were already three primarily Jewish groups in operation - Zeta Beta Tau (1915), Phi Epsilon Pi (1915), and Phi Alpha (1922). Brother Rose founded an active social club, whose men were of fine caliber, and he convinced them to petition Alpha Epsilon Pi for a charter. Theodore Racoosin and Theodore Beskin (Beta '22), the latter a native of the Tidewater area, were designated to serve as an inspection committee and reported favorably on a location for initiation of new brothers.

The East Room of Madison Hall was the scene of the initiation and the banquet. Charter members were S. David Cohen, Louis Friedman, Gershon Levin, Irvin Markel, and Lewis Markel, all of Norfolk; Myer Hillman of Portsmouth; J. William Leshnower of Brooklyn, New York and Maurice Shaffer of Newark, New Jersey. Herman Rose, of course, transferred his affiliation from Alpha to Mu. The installing delegation consisted of Supreme Master Sidney Picker (Alpha '15), SLM William Cohen (Beta '22), SE Herman Rolnick (Alpha '21), PSM Milton Adler (Beta '18) and PSM Theodore Racoosin (Alpha '16). To show their appreciation, the brothers of Mu made a surprise presentation of a silver loving cup to Brother Rose. Mu's first pledges were Joseph Nachman of Marshall, Virginia and Isaac Zacks of Norfolk. The first Mu house warming was held on February 22, 1925.

Since none of the brothers were seniors, all returned to UVA in the fall of 1925. The early chapter reports note that Brother Lou Felsenthal of Gamma spent a weekend in Norfolk during Passover and met most of the Mu chapter. Plans were made for a house in Fall 1925, and the first chapter house was on Preston Place. A chapter paper, the Mu Cow, was issued and became one of the best newsletters among AEPi chapters. The fall pledge class included Max Berlowe of New York, Samuel Fayonsky of Greenville, South Carolina, and Ben Sheren and Alexander Weiss of Norfolk. Transfer brothers were Lester H. Block, from Alpha (a future Supreme Master), Charles Kavovit from Iota, and Irving Ress from Beta. Irv Markel was elected to the staff of the college daily. Leading Mu Chapter in 1925-26 were: Master Meyer Hillman, Lt. Master Lester H. Block, Scribe L. L. Friedman, Exchequer Lewis Markel and Sentinel Gershon Levin. On November 28, 1925, the chapter initiated Max Berlowe, Daniel Fallis, Sam Fayonsky, Eugene Pumpian-Mindlin, Ben Sheren, Alexander Weiss and Henry Litvack. Brother Zachs was elected Scribe to take the place of Brother Friedman, who was on leave of absence due to illness. Lewis Markel joined his brother Irvin on the staff of College Topics, the daily newspaper. Lester Block was elected to the Jefferson Society, and Brother Fayonsky played freshman basketball. Med students Herman Rose, Irving Ress, Charles Kavovit, and Henry Litvack were elected to Phi Delta Epsilon medical fraternity, of which Brother Fallis was already a member. For spring of 1926 the following officers were elected: Lewis Markel as Master, Lester Block as Lieutenant Master, Irvin Markel as Scribe, I. P. Sacks as Exchequer and Gershon Levin as Sentinel.

For fall of 1926 the chapter chose: Lester H. Block, Master, Irvin Markel, LM; Eugene Pumpian-Mindlin, Scribe; Gershon Levin, Exchequer; Max Berlowe, Sentinel. Irvin Markel made the staff of the Virginia Reel, campus humor magazine. In the fall of 1926, the chapter leased a fourteen-room house in the fraternity row area. The fall pledge class was seven strong, a good-sized class in those days for Virginia. Brother Pumpian-Mindlin was elected advertising manager of the Virginia Magazine, and assistant advertising manager of College Topics.

Mu's first formal house party was held Thanksgiving weekend of 1926. For this semester, Mu AEPi ranked fifth of forty fraternities at UVA in scholarship. Dr. Ben Zion Linfield was elected a faculty brother. Among the initiates were Harry Frieden, Louis Kesser, Sanford Schulhofer, Harry Hilfer, Carl Kanter, Ben Kinland and Harry Ornstein. For the second term of 1926-27, the chapter elected Master Irvin Markel, Lt. Master Charles Kavovit, Scribe Eugene Pumpian-Mindlin, Exchequer Max Berlowe and Sentinel Sanford Schulhofer. Milton S. Goldstein, Leon Goldeng and Herman Lerner were the initiates. Sam Fayonsky played varsity basketball, and won a second letter in varsity baseball.

For fall of the 1927-28 school year, the leaders selected were: Max Berlowe as Master, Eugene Pumpian-Mindlin as Lieutenant Master, Sam Fayonsky as Scribe, Sanford Schulhofer as Exchequer and Louis Kesser as Sentinel. The initiates in the 1927-28 year were Harold Horowitz, Ben Sheren, Milton Goldberg, Alfred Wasserstrom, Richard Weiss, Norbert Altschul, Jack Hirshberg, William Rosenblatt, George Kasloff, David Levin and Bertram Fishel. Business Manager of College Topics was Brother Pumpian-Mindlin, Charles Kavovit was Master, Gershon Levin was Lt. Master, Harry Frieden was Scribe, Sanford Schulhofer was Exchequer and Bertram Fishel was Sentinel. Ben Steinman (Beta) had transferred his affiliation to Mu.

The second Southern Regional Conclave was hosted by Mu the weekend of April 12-15, 1928. Delegates were Chairman of the conclave Lester Block, Dave Haskins, Max Rosenthal, and Mac Berlowe (Omicron), Louis Gillman (Epsilon), Henry Goldstein (Alpha alumnus), and Harry Erdberg (Zeta alumnus). It was a great success, and Mu's famed house party was part of that success. Second term officers for 1928 were: Master Gershon Levin, Lt. Master Sanford Schulhofer, Scribe Carl Kanter, Exchequer Milton Goldberg and Sentinel George Kasloff.

In the fall of 1928, Mu pledged four new men, one of who, S. Harrison Kahn, was destined to become Supreme Master of the fraternity. Lewis Kesser was on the varsity boxing squad. Sanford Schulhofer became Master, Harry Ornstein was Lt. Master, Lewis Kesser served as Scribe, George Kasloff as Exchequer and Kenneth Friede as Sentinel. Eight chapter members made the Dean's List for excellence in scholarship. The Mu Cow, winner of the Publications Trophy for two years in a row, was seeking a third victory under the guidance of Carl Kanter, editor, and Harrison Kahn, business manager. The biggest event of that semester was the opening of the chapter's dining facility, enabling the brothers to take their meals together.

In 1929-30, the chapter celebrated its fifth anniversary with the initiation of Jesse Tronic, Adolph Heller, Irving Shapiro, Albert Friedman, Arthur Block and Louis Klaff. Brother Tronic was a member of the Jefferson Debating Society, and Shapiro served on the editorial board of College Topics. The Dean's List included Franklin Cohen, Irving Shapiro, Norbert Altschul, Harrison Kahn, Ernest Horowitz, Carl Kanter and Milton Goldberg. Four more men were added in the 1930-31 year, and the annual house party weekend was the usual success. For fall of 1930-31, Franklin Cohen was Master, Louis Klaff, Lt. Master, Milton Goldberg, Scribe, Albert Friedman, Exchequer, Walter Miner, Sentinel and Harrison Kahn, Master-at-Large. The chapter moved to a new location, a house that held fifteen men. Louis Klaff became Master, with Benjamin Steinman as Lt. Master, Walter Miner as Scribe, Franklin Cohen as Exchequer, Lester Mendell as Sentinel and Earl Abrams as Historian. The new house, on Rugby Road, enabled the chapter to successfully rush and pledge nine men. Officers for the 1932 spring term were Master Louis Klaff, Lt. Master Richard Weiss, Scribe Earl Abrams, Exchequer Walter Miner, Historian Milton Goldberg, Sentinel Clifford Carter and House Manager Joseph L. Frieden. Brothers Albert Kurtin and Clifford Carter made the Dean's List of distinguished students.

In 1932-33 the Depression caught up with Mu Chapter, and no new men were added. Irvin S. Markel became Chapter Advisor. The chapter continued to decline, and by the end of the 1933-34 school year, the last four undergraduate members had graduated, and Mu was on the verge of becoming another inactive chapter. However, in the fall of 1934, George S. Toll was sent to Charlottesville to see what could be done about restoring the chapter to the active roll. S. Harrison Kahn and Irvin and Lewis Markel joined him. With the alumni rushing, ten men pledged, and a house was obtained at 415 14th Street. On January 19, 1935, at the Monticello Hotel, the following were initiated: C. Lee Frieden, Irwin Frieden, Julian Frieden, Herbert Goldman, J. Milton Lukeman, Aaron Mizroch, Chester H. Robbins, Jerome Rosenbloom and Raymond Tabakin. For the spring term of 1934-35, Herbert Goldman was named Master, Julian Frieden became Lt. Master, J. Milton Lukeman served as Scribe, Raymond Tabakin as Exchequer and Jerome Rosenbloom as Sentinel.

In the fall of 1935, the chapter obtained its former home at 133 Chancellor Street. Julian Frieden was elected Master, J. Milton Lukeman served as Lt. Master, Herbert Goldman as Exchequer, Raymond Tabakin as Scribe and C. Lee Frieden as Sentinel. Seven new men were pledged. Seymour Lewis was out for track and Lukeman for tennis. Once again the Mu Cow was released, with Herbert Goldman as Editor, Sy Lewis received his track numerals, and Burt Salpeter his tennis numerals. In the fall of the 1936-37 year the chapter pledged seven more men. Aaron Mizroch was associate editor of the Engineering News, and Sy Herr was in the Jefferson Society. The initiates were Robert L. Cohen, Arthur Kaplan, Arthur Menoff and Everett Thorner. In the fall of 1937, ten men were pledged. The 1937-38 initiates were Joseph Block, Jerome Reisberg, Sidney Vernon, Sidney Marks, Bernard Siegel and Martin Tuck. Marks was awarded numerals in football and basketball, and Vernon in track.

The 1938-39 year started off on a bright note with thirteen men pledged and Herbert Chernis initiated. On February 25, 1939, a fire broke out in the upper story, and as a result part of the house was destroyed, so the entire house was remodeled. Elected to brotherhood were Arnold Canton, William Suskin, William Gietter, Arthur Waxman and Henry Greenwald. Sid Vernon was top high jumper on Virginia's track team. Brothers Canton and Waxman were on the staff of College Topics. Brothers Menoff and Waxman were on the handball team. Brothers William Suskin and Richard Schneer were members of the Observatory Concert Orchestra.

On October 15, 1939, the chapter initiated Robert Ostertag, The officers for fall of 1939-40 were Master Arthur Kaplan, Lt. Master Monte Binder, Scribe Joseph Block, and Exchequer Herbert Chernis. Ten men were pledged, and the officers for the spring of 1939-40 were Master Arthur Kaplan, Lt. Master Dick Schneer, Scribe Arnold Canton, Exchequer William Suskin and Sentinel William Gietter. Joseph Block was a member of the varsity boxing squad. Six Mu brothers were on the College Topics staff. Neophytes Benson Mirmelstein and Howard Josias were inducted in January of 1940, and Herbert Baumgard, David Stuart and Laurence Deutsch in April. Howard Josias played varsity tennis.

In 1940-41, twelve men were pledged. David Stuart was on the staff of the yearbook, Corks and Curls. Arthur Nires and Sidney Kellam were inducted on September 28, 1940. Rush was helped by the visit of Arthur Teich (Gamma '35), and during the rush dances by Dr. Frank Cohen (Mu '32), Robert Cohen (Mu '40), Dr. Harry Frieden (Mu '30), David Garber (Kappa '38), Harrison Kahn (Mu '32), Arthur Kaplan (Mu '40), Aaron Mizroch (Mu '37) and Irving Powers (Sigma '34). Arnold Canton was a varsity cheerleader. Officers for fall of 1940-41 were Master Herbert Chemis, Lt. Master Henry Greenwald, Exchequer William Suskin, Scribe Arnold Canton and Sentinel Herbert Baumgard. In the spring term, Dave Stuart took over as Scribe, William Gietter as Exchequer and Howard Josias as Sentinel.

Although the war was now in high gear, the chapter continued active. On February 20 and 21, 1942, Sidney Derman reported the hosting of the Eastern Conclave by Mu Chapter. Sixteen men were pledged in 1941-42. Herbert Baumgard was captain of Debating, and elected to Delta Sigma Rho. The chapter achieved a scholastic average of 87.8. Dave Stuart was Master, Laurence Deutsch was Scribe, and Josh Robinson served as Exchequer. In 1942-43, World War II began to have an effect on Mu's membership. Larry Solowey, who lost his life in the service, William Arrick, Seymour Zeenkov, David Stuart and Don DeRoy were all called into service. Initiated were Stanley Bangel, David Robinson, Melvin Leistner, Ed Pearlman, Jack Rosenbloom and Julius Jasper. George Marx boxed for the varsity, and Laurence Deutsch and Josh Robinson were varsity debaters. Robert Hecht became Master, and Jack Rosenbloom Scribe. The chapter gave up its house and operated out of an apartment. The chapter initiated Leonid Ebin, Irwin Eskin, Charles Pressman, Leonard Rivkin, Herbert Robinson, Ross Socolof, Howard Kahn, and Mortimer Schatzberg, and pledged Daniel Burack, Robert Gardner, Martin Last, Leonard Quittner and William Taplitz.

Leon Kaplan was Master in 1943-44. Gardner was drafted in 1944, but the other four pledges and Mortimer Schiff were initiated. Samuel W. Fayonsky ('30) became Mu's first Gold Star. Under the leadership of Master Leonard Siegel in 1945, the chapter operated at a house on 20 University Circle. It hosted the initiation of Seymour Adams, Basil Austin, Herbert Bangel, Yale Binder, Richard Fink, Stanley Leon, Saul Robinson, Stanley Rosenthal, Jules Siegel, Richard Taplitz, Robert Teitelbaum, Allan Unger, Murray Unger, Albert Wasserman and Yale Zimberg. In 1945-46, with Herbert Bangel as Master and Bernard Teitelbaum as Scribe, the chapter moved to larger quarters at 1208 W. Main. Alfred Lehman was initiated there.

David K. Meltzer and returning veteran Robert Gardner were initiated in the fall of 1946, and Allan Segal and Clayton Fein in spring of 1947, David Robinson was now Master and Charles Pressman, Scribe. Harrison Kahn, returned from service and served as Advisor. The Mu Cow chapter paper, dormant during the war, was revived. The 1946-47 year showed a rapid increase in manpower, as the men of Mu returned from service. The chapter numbered forty, and plans were made to obtain a permanent location. In 1947-48, David Meltzer took over as Master, with Leonard Quittner as Scribe. Initiates were Charles Barr, Jack Barr, David Kruger and Bentley Weinstein. In the fall of 1948, with Seymour Zeenkov as Master, the chapter was able to purchase its first home, at 102 Kent Terrace. It was made possible by the Tidewater Alumni Club, and loans from Theodore Racoosin and the national fraternity. Thirteen men were pledged under the guidance of LM Robert Gardner, Theodore Kruger was Master, with David Pressman as Scribe and Robert Hecht as Advisor.

Academic year 1949-50 saw Master Barry Einhorn leading the chapter to another successful year with the pledging of twelve men. Brother Einhorn, Eli Chovitz and Len Quittner were active in the University Players. Master Stan Needell and Lt. Master Sig Stein, led the chapter to a great year in 1950-51. Eli Chovitz was President of the Hillel Cabinet. Boris Goldberg was playing varsity football, and Louis LaBorwit lettering in boxing, Mel Friedman was admitted to the legal fraternity and Don Levy was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Boris Goldberg was elected to Student Council, reached Dean's List, and joined TILKA and the IMP, Virginia honor societies. Ten new men were pledged. The chapter returned to the grounds in 1951-52 with twenty-two actives and pledged eleven new men. An reunion for alumni held on March 7 attracted forty alumni. Past Supreme Master Block came from Buffalo to attend. Bob Levinson and Stan Needell were elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Mu men were involved in almost every University activity.

For the next few years the chapter seemed to operate on an even keel; the most noteworthy event was the initiation of Dr. Marvin Colker as a Faculty Brother. Bruce Block ('56) was initiated by his father, PSM Lester Block. The social program continued its tradition of success. Dr. Robert Gardner became the Chapter Advisor in 1957, and a building fund was begun, but the chapter seemed to have withdrawn into a shell. There are very few chapter reports in the files and none in The Lion until the spring of 1960, when Master Marshall Berman led the chapter to a successful rush season and headed up the drive for a new home for Mu. In 1961, the chapter was visited by PSM Harrison Kahn and Executive Secretary George S. Toll, at the request of Past Master Lyn Swartz. Fifteen pledges were obtained, and Mu's Master, Robert Levine, planned for the opening of the new house by September of 1962. Finally 102 Kent Terrace was sold, and the chapter moved to 1514 Jefferson Park Avenue, though it was still not suitable for a permanent home.

With the purchase of a small church located in the fraternity area, and a fine set of plans for its conversion to a fraternity house, with sleeping accommodations added, Mu's dreams were realized. On October 14, 1962, thirty-eight years after installation, Mu Chapter dedicated its new home on the grounds, at 1707 Grady Avenue. Architect for the structure was Sol W. Cohen (Gamma '43) of Norfolk. The sparkplugs for the effort were Chapter Advisor Dr. Robert Gardner and RG (later Supreme Master) Nathaniel Krumbein. 250 people, including Supreme Master Maxwell Handelsman, PSM Harrison Kahn, and Executive Secretary George S. Toll, attended the dedication ceremonies. Dean of the University Dr. B. F. D. Runk spoke for the University, and Rabbi Raymond Krinsky of the Hillel Foundation gave the dedicatory blessing. Speakers included RG Nathaniel Krumbein, Chapter Advisor Dr. Robert Gardner and Master Elliot Scher. On a fun note, theatrical alumni of the 1940's enlivened the program with musical selections. At last Mu Chapter was at home in a permanent location.

The officers for 1962-63 were Master Bill Sroka, Lt. Master Paul Laster, Member-at-Large Eddie Linden, Exchequer Dan Davis and Sentinel Marc Goldberg. The chapter ranked first on campus academically, Richard Schreiber was president of the Interfraternity Council, and Paul Laster, sports editor of the Cavalier Daily, was elected secretary-treasurer of the IFC. Edward Linden, Rush Chairman, was elected business manager of the Cavalier Daily. The pledge class numbered twenty-one. The 1963-64 year saw David Greenberg in the Master's post. Other officers were Lieutenant Master Herbert Rosenblum, Scribe Robert Krawcheck, Exchequer Ronald Shiftan, Steve Zimmet, Member-at-Large. Alan Goldstein was secretary-treasurer of IFC, Ricky Greene was president of the UVA band, and David Weinberger was to succeed Brother Linden as business manager of the Daily.

In 1965-66, the chapter occupied a dominant position on the grounds. Its men were in every important activity; the Daily, the yearbook, the Student Union, and in Skull and Keys. For the fifth straight time the chapter ranked first academically. Dave Greenberg was President of the Engineering School and a member of the Judiciary Committee. Allan Goldstein was voted Outstanding University Senior, and served two consecutive terms as IFC President. Bob Krawcheck was Master, Jeremy Solomon was Lieutenant Master, Andy Adler was Scribe, George Shapiro was Exchequer and Dave Schreiber was Sentinel. Initiates were Ed Brett, Harry Hirsch, James Broder, Mike Cohen, Steve Dickstein, Nard Fleishman, Mark Huberman, Dave Lorber, Warren Sachs, Steve Schobel, Tom Shiftan, Steve Weinstein and Paul Zimmet. AEΠ ranked fourth in intramural sports, Alan Rosenthal was managing editor of the Cavalier Daily, and Mark Wine was business manager. In 1967-68 the chapter apologized in print for its long absence from the columns of The Lion. Once again it led all fraternities academically. Jeremy Kahn, son of PSM Harrison Kahn, was elected upstairs monitor while Ted Rubenstein handled the chores downstairs.

For the next number of years, the chapter failed to report what was going on at Mu. The chapter became more self-contained, lost contact with many of its alumni, and began to develop internal problems. Without an Advisor, it began to have serious troubles, and Dr. Robert Gardner was asked to fill-in although his home was quite a distance away. His son, Todd, had become a member of the chapter. He held the post until 1976, the year he was succeeded by Dr. Jules (Jay) Levine (Mu '60), Assistant Dean of the Medical College. With his guidance and the leadership of Ben Miller ('77) as Master, the chapter began to turn around and pledged a large class. Mu was back on its way to the top again. In 1978 the chapter occupied a respected position on the grounds. The house was in good shape physically, the morale of the chapter was high, and the future seemed bright.

Through the years Mu Chapter has been a bright spot in the fraternity. Lester H. Block ('27) and S. Harrison Kahn ('31) both served as Supreme Master, and both were awarded the Order of the Lion. Irvin and Louis Markel did much to assist the chapter and maintained an interest in the national fraternity. Ben Miller ('77) served most successfully as a chapter consultant, and in the fall of 1978 became resident counselor to Upsilon at Southern California. Its alumni are represented in all walks of life and include men in every profession.

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